Friday, 3 September 2010

1,000 copy guys

Over at Three Percent, E.J. Van Lanen is writing about the FILI editors' trip:
We do different kinds of books here (My favorite story so far is when a publisher was going to tell us about two books: one, a more commercial author, they thought would sell 10,000 copies in the US, and the other, a more literary author, who was wonderful but who they thought would sell 1,000. Chad and I both said at the same time, “Tell us about the 1000 copy guy.”), and because we do a special kind of book, I feel like we have different kinds of meetings with publishers.


Лев Грицюк | Lev Hrytsyuk said...

Great story! :-)

David McDuff said...

Hi Lev, yes - the article doesn't say who the 1000 copy guy or guys might be, though. It would be useful if the author would be a bit more specific. But maybe it's a secret. :-)

Лев Грицюк | Lev Hrytsyuk said...

And great post over at Three Percent!